Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Red Nightmare documentary

1. In the beginning of the film, it appears to be an ordinary American small town, but where is it? (Between 1:00 and 2:30).       
The Soviet Union, deep behind the Iron Curtain!

2. What is the father's (Jerry) attitude toward his responsibilities, such as attending a Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTA) and going to Army Reserve training (6:20)?     
He doesn't like going to them so he makes up excuses to not go.

3. According to the film, if all people had the attitude that Jerry has, what is the Red Nightmare? 
Communist ideals would spread from one town to another, children would leave their parents in favor of working on a commune, organizations like the PTA would be able to tell you what to do exactly an any given moment and access your personal information, your job would force you to work to an unreasonable standard or be punished, your youngest children would be brainwashed into believing in Communism, and your church would become a place to praise Russian scientific advancements.

4. What is Jerry's experience like at trial?     
Jerry's trial is not even really a trial. He is forced to either confess or just be sentenced, no option to defend himself. His own wife helps convict him with a statement that he indoctrinated his children.

5. Consider this film in the context of the Red Square Era. If you were a high school student 50 years ago, how would you have reacted to this film in a history class?
I would be extremely scared of what Communism could do to America. I wouldn't want to sleep again.

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